protect your dome

Welcome folks to the show's website, browse around and get to know us!

Anatomy of a Revolution
Anatomy of a Revolution

Leave a voicemail

Click the SpeakPipe icon (for a phone call voicemail that's longer than 90 seconds) or use the SpeakPipe tool to leave a voicemail (90 seconds only) that we can play on the show!

Get help with your show

If you want to start your own podcast you can get in touch with our team and we'll help you get together with like minded people who can help you take your show from idea to production!

Who are we?

We are a group of guys that are passionate about waking people up to the inconsistencies of the mainstream narrative and want to get people back to the Bible. Raul is the host of the show, Claud is the main producer, Alex is head of marketing, and Aaron is a musician that we want to promote. Give his new single a listen! (click play on the music widget below) We're all donating our time talent and treasure to make Firmamental and every other show that comes on board a stunning success!

Donate some value

We're all working on the show while also working standard 9-5 jobs and we do it because we love it! But while we love making the show, we still have bills to pay, if you find the show valuable, find a way to donate some of that value back to us!

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The standard donation is what we value each episode at given the time and research we put into each episode.

You Decide


If you find the show to be more or less valuable that what we think, feel free to donate any amount you like!

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Firmamental LLC
Designed by Claud